GROSS: This Beach In Texas Contains  The Most “POOP”  In The State
GROSS: This Beach In Texas Contains The Most “POOP” In The State
GROSS: This Beach In Texas Contains The Most “POOP” In The State
As the summer begins to end here in Texas, individuals are beginning to plan their last road trip, family vacation, and even mental health break before school starts back at the beaches here in the great state. A TEXAS VACATION COULD BE A LOAD OF CRAP "LITERALLY" Sand between your toes with a nice drink or even with family time is something ideal for vacation, but according to Texas Mont
BEWARE: DEADLY West Nile Virus Has Invaded Texas 4 Cases Were Discovered
BEWARE: DEADLY West Nile Virus Has Invaded Texas 4 Cases Were Discovered
BEWARE: DEADLY West Nile Virus Has Invaded Texas 4 Cases Were Discovered
Texas prepares itself every year for the invasion of the most annoying and deadly creature on Earth. Mosquitos find themselves making the state of Texas a victim of itching and scratching all summer long. According to WFAA, this year mosquitoes in the great state could be life-threatening...

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